2 research outputs found

    Generating Efficient, Terminating Logic Programs

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    The objective of control generation in logic programming is to automatically derive a computation rule for a program that is efficient and yet does not compromise program correctness. Progress in solving this important problem has been slow and, to date, only partial solutions have been proposed where the generated programs are either incorrect or inefficient. We show how the control generation problem can be tackled with a simple automatic transformation that relies on information about the depths of derivations. To prove correctness of our transform we introduce the notion of a semi delay recurrent program which generalises previous ideas in the termination literature for reasoning about logic programs with dynamic selection rules

    On the Inference of Natural Level Mappings: A Decade of Research Advances in Logic-Based Program Development

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    Reasoning about termination is a key issue in logic program development. One classic technique for proving termination is to construct a well-founded order on goals that decreases between successive goals in a derivation. In practise, this is achieved with the aid of a level mapping that maps atoms to natural numbers. This paper examines why it can be difficult to base termination proofs on natural level mappings that directly relate to the recursive structure of the program. The notions of bounded-recurrency and bounded-acceptability are introduced to alleviate these problems. These concepts are equivalent to the classic notions of recurrency and acceptability respectively, yet provide practical criteria for constructing termination proofs in terms of natural level mappings for definite logic programs. Moreover, the construction is entirely modular in that termination conditions are derived in a bottom-up fashion by considering, in turn, each the strongly connected components of the program